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Old 05-28-2003, 11:09 AM   #58
Phoenix should edit this
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wow, what a great thread.

i have reservations when it comes worrying about big brother. while i do think there will be some shuffling around to dodge any new obstacles that may get thrown our way. The power guard is changing, we are now starting to see people who are a bit younger and perhaps more liberal coming into positions of influence and power.

It looks like the people in power right now in the states are trying to pull the typical wag the dog, and go after anything that doesn't fit into the 2.3 kid family that they envisioned for the nuclear era, as they have seriously fucked up the economy again. Most things seem cyclical to me so once the power is switched back to people who actually paid attention in Economics, they will focus attention to where it is critically needed and away from our industry. Although i expect as most people pointed out...there will be a bunch of new rules and laws open to interpretation.

plus there are many new ways to get at peoples money...i think the attitude over at VIsa/MC will likely change in a couple years once they see their share of the pie going elsewhere.
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