Originally posted by McSpike
There are many BS stories circulating around european payment options it makes me sick and everyone is pointing on the dialers. Fucken dialers. Europeans like them as much as US customers. Europeans having no credit cards? DUH! Ya right. And what about Asia?
There is a company called Sex Money that saw this gap and saw what ibill, ccbill and all other most common used processors didn't.
I see this as a new thing that will shake and connect the net even more in the coming years than all the paysites with a twist that are coming out each year.
WOW...what an awesome thread..
As I was reading I was very impressed to see so many webmasters touch on geo-targeting and global traffic. We have ignored the world for far too long. I think it's great that webmasters are becoming educated on the tastes and preferences of their International surfers.
They DO have credit cards - they just don't USE them the way we do here. Sincerely - many Europeans think it laughable that we use our credit cards the way they use debit cards for little purchases, daily expenses and Internet use.... They use cards more for travel purposes like hotels, car rentals, airfare, etc... and of course they think we're awful silly for paying off one credit card with another.
Anyway...aside from the whole geo-targeting thing - one trend I really see is an actual INTEREST in learning more about our traffic, what to do with it, how to properly target it, sell to it and cater to our surfers' needs. I think gone are the days of "F*CK the SURFER* - now we're finally down to the professional tactic of properly servicing and accomodating the customer.
I think this says a lot for our industry - on many levels. Sincerely...we've come a LONG WAY baby!!!!