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Old 05-29-2003, 02:52 PM   #15
Sassyass should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Florida
Posts: 5
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It's legal, and I have talked to my lawyer. The problems come when you leave it open to the public. A "locked door" private party you can pretty much do what ever you want.

I am not gay, In fact I am married with two kids.. but I find that the gay enviroment is much easier to work in. The people are much nicer and because it's all guys, they all want to get naked and screw.

I do this for money.. Even when I am shooting a hot little 19-21 year old chic, I'm not remotely turned on.. All I'm thinking about is..
She will convert well,
Keep that in frame
Is my partner shooting it correctly?
How much time have I spent on this part?
How is the lighting?
I need to stand over here...
"Please bend over a bit more so I can see ...."
ect, ect, ect
anyone who shoot content knows what I am talking about.
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