Originally posted by Hashishan
yes, and they seem to be in love with the idea of imposing extremely strict rules on any site to be called "tgp2" or at least the handful i have met
they also seem to spend so much time parroting each other, if you meet 4 in one place just talk to 1 of them and you can hear what they all have to say
imagine night of the living dead, only instead of moaning "brains, BRAINS" they are saying "tgp2, TGP2"
all the anal retentive bullcrap that the diehard tgp2 people spout is what throttled tgp2, imo
TGP2 is trying to do a number of different things, not just sell more memberships. Every TGP reform thread I've seen has 95% to 99% of WM's bitching about various aspects of the model, including the insane number of rule combinations.
TGP2....the reformed TGP2....

, has one rule set for all. Of course, it's up to site admins to use those rules, but most have seen the advantage of having a central rule set.
WM's can read the rules ONE TIME, build ONE GALLERY, and submit to ALL SITES within the network, and the pool! Try that with TGP and you'll be out of the submission business inside of a day. TGP admins complain about WM's not reading the rules, but their rule pages look like the city dump, take forever to read and are essentially addressed to cheaters and newbies who probably aren't reading the damn things anyways!
As it was, one of the major gripes that TGP2 burnouts had was the rule variations that cropped up. If we go that route again, it will die again.
We would probably all tweak the rules a little differently if we were king, and there's nothing stopping us from running with our own individual projects, but 'TGP2' *needs* to provide the structure that TGP lacks. Fortunately, this structure allows plenty of room for the WM to make sales. The freedom it provides is like a breath of fresh air compared to TGP, so most {edited here} seem willing to compromise and play ball when they otherwise might not.
Perhaps in the next few years, there will be a number of variations that will spring up and be successfull. If it sells better than TGP, it can't be all bad, so I say go for it! But just as many TGP'ers work CJ and AVS, it's a good idea to put a little time into TGP2 as well. Supporting TGP2 now will help to spawn similar projects in the future.
Here's some TGP2 info links.