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Old 05-30-2003, 11:57 AM   #81
oystein should edit this
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I agree that MPA2 is not a trend but that cascading billing definately is. No doubt. Good point. I must say, however, that Mansion Productions' creation of MPA2 was a good trigger for this trend with marketing of the product in an outstanding way and educating webmasters about the huge advantages using cascading billing solutions. So I am agreeing to agree on this point

On another note, I have personally seen a positive trend where webmasters now are getting better at protecting themselves and their business. The trend was that lots of webmasters stole ideas and content, now this has shiftet over to the other side where webmasters and content producers are starting to crack down on all the theft by taking action and actually go after companies that are blatantly stealing ideas and properties. Great trend if you ask me. Webmaster community finally starting to police themselves and nipping serious issues in the butt...
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