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Old 05-31-2003, 08:18 AM   #95
AcidMaX should edit this
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Originally posted by poppy

My post wasn't meant to be the biggest spam post you have ever seen. The thing I like about this message board is that the vibe is mellow, unlike other places. If I have an announcent that is related to a thread, then I will share it w/ other webmasters on this board. Yes, cascading billing has been around, but correct if I am wrong in saying that MPA2 has really brought it to the forefront.

Perhaps other webmasters on Xnations are not as saavy as you are when it comes to being in the "know" on cascading billing? I took a look at JetBucks (yes that was a plug) and noticed you are only using CCBill. Perhaps you should consider using cascading billing.

Yep, I agree the vibe is mellow and that X-Nations is a cool board. As far as the MPA2 thing, I will just say that it is a good software program. Has it brought cascading billing to the forefront? Possibly for normal users but from what I know most of the bigger companies have been using it for quite some time, so it very well could have brought it to everyone else at a more affordable price. My point was simply that ... well nevermind I think we have beat that to death.

As far as JetBucks going cascading billing, I am in the process of looking for a buyer for JetBucks and its sites because my business is concentrated elsewhere at the moment. Maybe if someone buys JetBucks they will take the responsibility of doing their own payouts and using cascading billing. The problem for me is I have a small crew, mostly of developers, and managing our own payouts was not an option. In order for webmasters to promote they need to be paid, and CCBill offered the best services at the time the sites were created.

Anyhow, lets move on with this thread

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