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Old 06-01-2003, 05:02 PM   #5
Bell should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Dayton, Ohio - - - (currently)
Posts: 28
xBucks: 20

is little nano sick...
(I bet that isn't the first time someone has called you sick... LOL!!!)
- - - just teasin'

hope you feel better SOON...

hot tea...
extra vitamin C...
lots of fluids...
plenty of rest...
chicken soup...
chocolate covered cherries...
Halls Honey Lemon Cough Drops...

can you figure out which ONE of those on the
above list is the EASIEST to do without ??

LOL !!!!

get well...

if you are feeling to bad to create any new projects
at this moment... or if your brain is too fuddled to
work on techie stuff... swing on over to the
project I told you about awhile back... it's ready now...
and X-Nations folks don't have to have a recip
to get in... I'll take YOU anyhooo... (smile...)

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