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Old 06-02-2003, 10:37 AM   #8
Tafkap should edit this
Xited Frenchy
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
ha... good list and some good points in there.

Here's a game you might like to try:


The game goes like this. Every minute for ten minutes you take one shot of beer. But here's the catch. The first minute you take one shot of beer, the second minute you take two shots of beer, the third minute you take a three shots of beer and so on. It doesn't seem like it would be that hard but it is. When we play the game we only allow a two throw up limit or you lose. Just remeber you only have one minute to drink that amount of beer or you lose. If you still don't think it is a lot it turns out to be a little over 9 beers in 10 minutes. Have fun!
Man, i challenge u at the Internext!!

Let the Games begin!!!

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