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Old 06-02-2003, 11:03 AM   #35
Mystery Man
Mystery Man should edit this
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Originally posted by firehorse
Mystery Man you seem to be typical of the type of person who would pick on a child. The people we associate with are not like you at all!

Our little world? You are full of assumptions! Maybe we have travelled more than you?

You say when we grow up? lol How many children have you raised, delivered, comforted? How many long term relationships have you sustained? How many houses have you owned? How many people have you helped? Look in the Mirror young man!!!

You seem very uncomfortable with yourself Mystery Man.

Your ethics and virtues seem to be an issue for you. Seek help and good luck!
What on earth makes you say these things?
How on earth does any of the things I've stated in this post or any other for that matter make you think that I would pick on a child?

Again I can only say grow up, I'm not a kid like you FH and I wont lose my cool because of your false accusations if that is what you are hoping for.

I've stated already what I think you guys are about and I don't really have much else to add on that subject.

And if you really want to know here are the answers to the questions you asked.

How many long term relationships have you sustained?

How many houses have you owned?
Buying my first one right now actually

How many people have you helped?
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