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Old 06-02-2003, 06:22 PM   #3
McAttack should edit this
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Ronaldo, I somewhat agree with you to a certain degree. I rather get email spam than junkmail in my mailbox. But I also don't want kids to get an email of a girl spreading with a cucumber showed in there either.

I believe it comes down to the invasion of privacy, or what we think of as our own space. A billboard advertising doesn't bother you as much because it's out in public. But your mailbox, your email inbox, these are all yours and I can see that some people don't want anything they didn't ask for in it. I don't want people throwing barbage on my front lawn, just as much as I don't want them cramming their crap in my mail slot. I don't look at the junkmail I get, it goes right into a garbage bag.

I'm not again mailing at all. I actually use mailing for my products. But I only use emails that have been opted-in or double-opted-in.
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