X Nations - View Single Post - Post Your Own Pic...
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Old 06-02-2003, 10:49 PM   #3
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Default Re: Post Your Own Pic...

Originally posted by machoman
I'm just curious why all the people here do not post their own pics
just so you can kinda get to know someone better or atleast have a
face to go with the words....not that it really matters but some
boards i've chatted on and chatrooms offer that option....I really
havent looked here to see if its an option within your profile but
if not it would make a great thread just to see everyone...
It's been done a bunch, hehehe. Do a search on "post your pic" and you should find quite a few examples. As far as avatars go... some have a pic and some don't. X Nations actually has a custom page feature that you could use to post your pic if you wanted. I really really should get around to setting my page up, lol.
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