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Old 06-03-2003, 02:22 PM   #1
machoman should edit this
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Default Kazaa Lite Blocks AP Traffic

Today I installed Kazaa Lite version 2.0 and the new version
installs a host file onto windows computers which basically
reroutes traffic so that it will block ads that Kazaa might
display. However it seems to block much more then Kazaa ads.

After failing to get to the stats area for AP I did some
investigating and found that one of the lines in the host file that
Kazaa Lite installs is this: ctc.amateurpages.com

I am not sure how many potential customers use Kazaa Lite but the ones who install it will not be able to reach AP. If many people use Kazaa Lite this could definetely influence the amount of traffic we send to AP.

ICQ: 248297702
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