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Old 06-03-2003, 03:04 PM   #1
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Default Tips from Montrealers for Cybernet

Alright Montreal people, let's give some suggestions on places to go to for anybody that comes in early. There's a bunch of us here so I'm sure we can find a few decent things, places to eat and all that.

Firstly, since you're at the Delta downtown. Everything is pretty much NORTH of where you are. Walk up the hill basically.

St-Catherine street is a long street where there's tons of shops if that's what you want to do. It is north of the hotel, about a 15min walk.

If you see "5 a 7" or "5@7", that's happy hour in french.

Old Montreal is just east of your hotel, the waterfront is just south. That's a nice little walk.

as for restaurants, go anywhere that looks nice to you and isn't a franchise. Bistros are normally great places to eat at.

The gay village has great restaurants to eat at.
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