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Old 09-23-2002, 11:41 AM   #8
m@rk should edit this
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Dk
Posts: 45
xBucks: 415

1: They pay on time every time, good reputation.

2: Good content to promote the site, free gallery templates.

3: Content on the free tour, not much, maybe a couple of movie clips.

4: Stats page you can understand, showing 14 day period at a time, also where the hits are coming from, be it a gallery or from main pages.

5: If you have questions, then a reply comes within 48 hours.

6: The sponor knows how to keep members.

I prefer recurring sponors, I promote Karupspc.com and I have had some members now for over a year, I know that the fast bucks is with the one time payments, but once you have promoted the sponor and got 30+ members then the money keeps coming every month.
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