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Old 06-05-2003, 12:22 AM   #1
maverick should edit this
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Default I give up! I am here!

G'day to all!

After receiving a number of email "reminders" from Evil Chris and Funbrunette and having registered with X-Nations some time ago, I am finally doing the intro.

I have been playing in the adult industry for 13 months, more or less fiinding my way around and learning learning learning and then when I got tired of it ...more learning! When I thought I had learned enough to start building a reasonably good site I will be damned if I found something else to study. From that description I suppose you can draw the conclusion that I am the consummate idiot. I mean really, this is not rocket science right? Or is it! We are dealing with mpegs and html and php and all sorts of other coded mesage things...holy shyte!

Anyway! I developed my first MULTI niche site about a year ago and after going through 8 complete redesigns of the turkey am now comfortable enough to start seriously promoting it.

In the last three months I have published 4 micro niche sites that are beginning to do fairly well and prefer the building of a site as opposed to a TGP or TGPII - no disrespect to those who are likely making a financial killing in the TGP end...but wouldn't you know I just haven't learned enough about that segment just yet.

Four of the five sites have webmaster areas including site submissions as well for those interested in SE positioning.

Okay...enough about me! I don't tend to go on and I do NOT publish "fluff" topics to boards. I try to keep in tune with the general threads and continue to learn. When I respond I do so because I think I have something to add. I am candid and direct so, should I offend anyone in the future, I apologize only today.

That's it really! It looks like a good place to get additional quality information to continue growing in this industry and my business plan says I will be growing this business for a minimum of ten years so I guess I am here for the long haul...and of course we all follow our Business Plans...yes?

Hope all are well and take hold of the best part of your day


Sexual Ecstasy
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