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Old 06-05-2003, 08:51 PM   #1
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Talking Hustler releases Real Amateurs site!

Hey Guys, I wanted to pop out and letcha know that we've added a new site to the Flynt Digital affiliate program that's smokin' hot real amateurs.

Here's the press release:

Flynt Digital Just Released Hot New Real Amateurs site - www.BeaverHunt.com

Looking for some Fresh Blood to promote? Good thing because we've got the site for you! BeaverHunt.com has just been added to the Flynt Digital affiliate program and features The Nastiest Amateurs on the Net!

BeaverHunt.com is packed full of true amateurs that your surfers will literally drool over! We've got so many real girls from all over the world, that you just might see someone from your town.

This new Flynt Digital site boasts the finest, freshest Beavers in the world! These amateur porn sluts have never spread for the camera before; and your surfers won't want to miss it when they finally flash their gash for the whole world to see!

Sometimes Beavers get so worked up to be in Hustler Magazine that they send in albums of images. Hustler Magazine doesn't have room for every photo of every hottie that crosses their desks, but BeaverHunt.com has a place for every piece of hot snatch who has ever wanted to show her muff in the buff, no matter how many photos they send in!

They're all here, and they're spread wide, ready and waiting for the world to check them out!

Sign-up to become a http://partners.FlyntDigital.com webmaster affiliate, get your BeaverHunt.com linking codes in place and Cash in on Hustler's Hardcore Real Amateurs!

If you have any questions, or if I can be of any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. Direct: 800-483-3161, ICQ: 3742113, Email: Amber AT FlyntDigital.com

Can't wait to see ya'll in Miami!!
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