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Old 06-07-2003, 09:36 PM   #6
NetRodent should edit this
X Cuseme
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You make a couple of valid points:

1) Lack of company names on badges

2) Over priced drinks

Otherwise I disagree with you. I am the worst person in the world when it comes to walking up to someone I don't know and introducing myself. Even still I actually met far more people here than at Internext or previous Cybernets. You may shake a lot of hands at Internext but do you actually have a chance to get to know the person?

The seminars at this were as informative as any of the other shows. Its a given fact that seminars are geared mainly towards newbies and nobody is going to share any advanced "secrets". YNOT's seminars were better than in past years because they schedualed small group follow up time each after with their speakers.

I don't believe we met which is odd considering we're based in Montreal and were always hanging around the floor.
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