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Old 06-07-2003, 11:42 PM   #3
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Since when is there a maximum age limit?

Ever stop to think that some of these people had high paying techie jobs and because the market has gone to crap, they might have been laid off, or the company has closed their doors? Imagine the experience and knowledge these people can bring to the online world.

Maybe for some people, working online will subsidize their income. Maybe they have kids, college, mortgage payments, car payments, rising costs of insurance and taxes...?

Some companies will transfer or find ways to fire people who have been working for the company for 30 years before these people can cash in on their retirement.

Imagine some of the values and work ethics these 30 somethings and above posess? They have a different mindset than someone who just graduated high school or college.

Besides, not all the traffic to sites are horny teens and 20 something adults. Who better to tap into the mindset and desires of the "older generation" than someone who is in the "older generation"?

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