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Old 06-08-2003, 12:47 PM   #12
Raven should edit this
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I've only been to one show that didn't deliver what we expected...and that was the fault of the hotel, not the event people. Even still, with very few in attendance, an opportunity to speak with the other sponsors presented itself and I walked away with much that was positive. As a matter of fact, it ended up being money worth spending due to the business it eventually generated and the friends I made.

The old saying about making lemonade out of lemons is apt.

Seems to me....without booths, there's even more of an opportunity to network, which is largely what these shows are about.

I've been talking to Tev from Erotica Cash on a daily basis. We're married, so I've attended the show vicariously through him......

Sounds to me like he had a blast and he's a fairly shy kind of guy. Every time he called, he told me about yet another webmaster he's met...some he knew before from other shows and some he's never met before. I'm sure there are some future deals in the works...

Did he meet everybody? I doubt it. But, that's the beauty of conferences. The one you missed this time is the one you meet next time around.

I went to the Phoenix Forum and met huge amounts of people I had never met before...names I've seen on boards...some new whose names I had not heard before.

Regardless of what information is placed on badges, it's up to us to approach somebody and stick out our hands and say "Hi. My name is...what's yours? For whom do you work?"
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