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Old 06-08-2003, 09:03 PM   #14
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
There is always one in the crowd that is impossible to please.

Mister X, your boss Daniel is someone I have never met, and I doubt I will ever meet him unless I am wearing a show-badge with my name, my company name, my address, my social insurance number.. etc..

Sounds like someone doesn't know how to network with others in this business. Get Daniel some "Hello my name is... " badges for future conferences. Maybe he'll start to get known for that.

Otherwise, you guys will just have to step up to people and say hello on your own like the rest of us do.
Respectfully sir ... You seem to show a bit of an insulting attitude there. And I'll point out that you are certainly one of the ones who already knew a pretty large amount of the attendees before the show. Good day to you sir.

People are entitled to their opinions. I really don't understand why people who simply attend such an event think they have to gang up and spank anybody who says anything against it. It's an old boys club mentality that I personally find to be repugnant. There has been a significant amount of feedback on Mr. Perrault's letter to Tradeshow Productions. And it was overwhelmingly positive. Of course that was feedback from their private faces. Their public faces will likely disagree or have no comment.

A certain segment of this industry seems to find pleasure in thinking of themselves as elite and thinks of anyone who doesn't have a successful program as being beneath them. Well I have news for a lot of these people. There is a whole wide world out there that could care less. Mr. Daniel Perrault has a very successful business and really has no need of anything from anybody with an attitude like that. His client list reads like a who's who of the porn industry. There is a whole big sucessful industry out there made up of people who don't have much of anything to do with the internet. In case you hadn't noticed.

I won't say that the show was a total disappointment. I personally found the seminars to be quite good and wish that I had been able to attend a couple more of them. But I have to point out that the "organizers" of this show relied mainly on local Montreal people and YNOT to do the organizing of this aspect of the show. And I did manage to make a couple of contacts that might prove to be fruitful in the future. But it certainly would have been easier to do that with a better organized show. Quite honestly if I was someone who had paid a significant amount of money to sponsor this show I would be thinking I should have at least got a table where I could have an employee hand out some literature for my cash.

Possibly if I had been able to attend the show from the beginning I would have had a more rewarding experience. Unfortunately I missed the preparty due to unforseen circumstances and I was busy on Thursday. Personally I would like to point out that Mr. Perrault had absolutely nothing bad to say about the attendees of the show in his letter to Tradeshow Productions. The letter was entirely aimed at the organizers. Some of you seem to have failed to make this distinction. And it was indeed a letter that was sent to Tradeshow Productions and then made public at the behest of Mr. Perrault.

Hungryman! I don't give a damn if you disagree with me or Daniel dude. I'm not the kind of person that thinks anybody who disagrees with them is "bad", lol. In fact if it had been left up to me I would have kept my mouth shut on the whole issue. But I don't sign the cheques, hehehe. Actually I didn't even know that copies of the letter were handed out. And I'm man enough to admit that I should have gone on the Webmaster Tour despite what I felt about the show itself. I think Dugmor! did a simply awesome job of organizing that whole thing. The fact that I knew what was coming might have dampened my enthusiasm just a tad, hehehe.

McAttack! The fact is that I did NOT know all the people I wanted to meet ahead of time. Isn't the whole point of a convention to meet new contacts? We did indeed have meetings, etc. booked ahead of time. But that isn't everything. The seminars: Nothing was said about the quality of the seminars. Indeed I'm kicking myself for missing Mark Tiarra. The fact that most seminars were entry level is not inherently bad. But I do think that the network area and seminars were not exactly a great return on investment for what Tradeshow Productions charged attendees. Especially when they were mainly organized by local people and YNOT.

Carrie! I will point out that Daniel had me write the letter because he simply wanted it to be understandable and clear and English is not his first language. As far as volunteering to organize a show.... it hasn't been ruled out. And if others were interested in doing it then certainly Eromodel would be interested in contributing. Your other points... I have no comment. Lol.

In closing I will point out that the large majority of positive comments about this show were about the parties and the great people who attended the show. I am certain that the parties were indeed great and I know that the attendees were great. But the parties had very little or no input from the show organizers. They weren't actually "part" of the show. In my honest opinion it seems that, except for booking the hotel and delegating tasks to other people, Tradeshow Productions did little or nothing to earn what they charged people. Which is what that letter is all about. Tradeshow Productions organized this show for ONE reason. To make money. I am indeed certain that a show organized by a different organization would be much more successful and rewarding. And I will point out that in many of the replies in this thread that are contrary to the original post, people said they agreed with something BUT it was a great show anyway.

I will repeat myself a little to make sure that this point is understood. The contents of the letter I posted here were IN NO WAY directed at the attendees of the show or those who hosted parties or spent their time to give the seminars. It's contents were 100% directed at Tradeshow Productions. It is Mr. Perrault's belief, and I happen to share it, that the success of the show was in spite of the efforts of Tradeshow Productions and not because of them.

I see absolutely no need to start personally insulting someone over their opinions. And those of you that feel it is appropriate behaviour to do so... I really don't care what you do anyway. Those of you that happen to agree with one point or another that was made but don't voice your opinion... that is indeed your prerogative and I respect it.

I'm not interested in getting into a pissing contest on the whole issue(and I still have to try and make a living in this industry) so I'll limit my replies to this thread to this message only and that will be the end as far as I'm concerned. Those of you who visited our fair city... I wish you a safe and happy return to home turf. And I hope you will have fond and happy memories of the trip!

Good day to you all.
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