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Thread: What's you IQ?
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Old 06-09-2003, 04:33 AM   #16
cyberxxx should edit this
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Agree. As I already said earlier, all the tests are too simply even for children and they are not intended for adults IMHO. Here are just 2 sample tests from preliminary school’s program (they are intended for 8 y.o. children):

1. There are 5 red and 3 blue balls in the box.
a) We took 2 random balls from the box. Is it true to say that both balls have a same color?
b) How many balls we have to take out from the box to be sure that at least two of them have a same color?

2. There are two weights on 1st bowl of scales: 3 kilogram's and 5 kilogram's. The 2nd bowl of scales holds a melon and a weight which is 2 kilogram's. What is a weight of that melon?

Can you correctly answer to the both questions above? Don't you think they are a little bit harder that those ones at http://www.emode.com/tests/uiq. This makes me think that we have checked an IQ according to child's tests
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