Interesting perspective XXXManager.
I'm really not sure which age group you are being more insulting to. Assuming all 18 year olds or punks or the over the hill 38ish crowd doesn't have a clue. Everyone was a newbie at some point.
My neighbor started doing just that at 45. He taught me when I was 32.
We both started it to subsidize our incomes but I left my job to do it fulltime.
I have NEVER had an argument with a tgp owner. Some disagreements, sure. But, no more than I've had in any other field I've been in. Usually, they're right and I have to capitulate (they do have something I want after all), but more times than not I get another partner account out of it and another contact in the industry.
My design skills are non-existent, my marketing skills are fantastic. So, unlike alot of tgp'ers, I spend money on my designs and my content. Being an old man, I still believe in the adage "Spend money to make money".
My relationship with MOST tgp owners is fantastic. I don't treat them as 18 year old punks or 38 year old geezers, I treat them with the same respect I would treat anyone I would want to do business with. None of them have ever treated me with anything but respect either.
Because this IS a business I treat it as such. I have come across people I'll never do business with again. Most were oh, middle aged, around 24 or 25 years old.
Now, me and my neighbor sit around on Monday night, drink some beers and go over the sites that list one of us, but not the other. Then we contact them on each other's behalf.
After we've done that, we curse the youth of today and talk about all the people we know that died in the last week.