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Old 06-09-2003, 08:01 PM   #17
Pidgin should edit this
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Originally posted by Ronaldo
Interesting perspective XXXManager.
I'm really not sure which age group you are being more insulting to. .....
I may be totally wrong but knowing my friend and knowing the average 18 y/o webmaster, believe you me, there is a big difference.
I don't think all the webmasters out there are pure and professional businessmen. Some are, some not. Just my impression of the world.
Is that observation insulting to anyone? Not the way I see it. People change with time. +-18 y/o people are not of the same mentality (on average) from the +-38 y/o people I know.
Sorry if anyone mistakenly though my view here were insulting.

Originally posted by Ronaldo
After we've done that, we curse the youth of today and talk about all the people we know that died in the last week.
So you see there are some differences
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