06-09-2003, 08:45 PM
should edit this
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Nowhereland, Ontario!
Posts: 48
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Originally posted by JFK
I see Some of you were dissapointed at not seeing the same old booth set up! Get used to it !! Its the new lean and mean model of a show , as we have seen in Phoenix. No show floor, people get together for seminars and to network. As far as the seminars and round table discussions at this show, they were well organised, and professionaly presented. You do not need a show floor to do business! More business gets done at these events at parties, and informal settings, then anywhere else. Everyone who was a registered attendee, got a Badge with a name and firm on it. Did you guys pay to get in ? The organiser cant make people wear them at all times.The events are what you make of them, a lot of wms had a great show meeting others and doing business. You have to get out and greet people , approach them they dont bite. The distribution of the letter at the Cathedral was an underhanded move on part of the letter writer.The writer of the same, dosent have the balls even to post on this board, but has an employee take the heat for it. Shows Character dosent it ! Just my 2 cents worth flame away if you must.
Absofuckinglutely AMEN!
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