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Old 06-09-2003, 09:07 PM   #30
LadyMischief should edit this
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Originally posted by RawAlex
Okay, I am biased, so any comments I make about the show are tinged with the fact that Fay and Dave are personal friends, and it was my honor and pleasure to help make the Montreal show all work out.

Rather than talk about THIS show, let's just talk about shows in general (any industry):

You go to a show for the first time, you don't know anyone. You mingle in the crowd, and end up talking to some people who maybe work the same sorts of things you do. They have other people come up to them, and you get introduced. You explain the type of products you handle, the type of work you do, etc, and listen to everything you can find out about them. Your business brain kicks in an tries to find ways that you can work together, do buisness, make money.

Unless you are super lucky, you cannot have a personal trade show sherpa lead you around by the hand and make you make business.

As for CybernetExpo Montreal, $150 is too expensive? If you couldn't find $150 worth of value between the seminars, the bar areas, and the social events (thanks to all the great sponsors and companies for doing that stuff!), then you certainly are not only in the wrong business, but you are never going to make it in any business that requires even 1% social skills.

I am not the most social person. I spent most of the show making sure that everything was working, and that everyone was around, etc. I am sure that I still managed to squeeze at least $150 out of it.

Drnks too expensive? Hmm... you better not go to Miami, you are in for a shock - you will easily go through $12-$14 CANADIAN for a drink at the hotel. You can buy a round for a few people and easily go through a hundred bucks without a breath... and that is if you only have a few friends!

More over, if you had the balls and the contacts to be able to distribute these letters at the Cathedral party, I am sure that you know enough people to be able to meet new people and make some money.

I wish you luck in attempting a show of your own. Ask the people who have attempted to do webmaster get-togethers and shows in the past in Canada, you will learn that it isn't just about posting up a time and place - and that $150 is nothing compared to the effort required to make it go.

I met you and I hung out with you Alex, and I think the show was great, meeting you was sheer pleasure, and this uhh..whatever who can't even write his own letters is certainly not going to get too far in the business with his attitude.

Thanks for an amazing time, man! Get in touch with me anytime icq 3522039 or email treasure@jactstudios.com
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