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Old 06-09-2003, 11:58 PM   #35
Crak_JMan is beautiful
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Originally posted by Sharpie
Wanted to let everyone know that the trip home was uneventful (the airport wheelchair really helped) Hit the hospital emergency room as soon as getting off the plane & should be able to drive the rest of the way home tomorrow......

I haven't really decided whether to reply to all this critism or not. But I know it would not be appropriate while taking the drugs....

But........... you know there is a line on the registration form where people put in whatever they want on their badges..... we just print them off - we don't tell them what to say!

Hope you feel better and keep in touch.

Great show with loads of interesting and fun event that made a great bunch of people get to know each other older friends to get together again and Party, laugh and BOND.

Now that's what I call a success BABY

jman@crakcash.com - ICQ: 124588240 - skype: crak_jman
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