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Old 06-10-2003, 08:35 AM   #19
Pidgin should edit this
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Originally posted by Ronaldo
I truly didn't take any offense to your post XXXManager.

If anything, I was speaking for the 18 year olds in the business. I'm sure that some are asswipes, as I'm sure are some of the 38ish crowd.

I do however have a hard time with anyone stereotyping ANY group of individuals based on their age, sex, etc.

I also realize you were simply making an observation and one that I honestly do find amusing when I remove myself from the situation.
In general, I am willing to bet that the punkass/asswipes % among 18 y/o is bigger than among 38 y/o.
I don't see it as stereotyping really
Would you say its stereotyping saying that schoolkids care about britney spears more than 50 y/o? Or that Europeans care more about classical music than lets say Papua New-Guineans?

Stereotyping is a case of wide generalization which is applied to the entire group at hand. I merely said there are some (maybe even a lot) of 18 y/o punks, didn't say they all are that way. I didn't say that an 18 y/o must be a punkass.

Also - Its not stereotyping saying something that is true
For example, its not stereotyping saying that men sweat more than women. Its merely a statistical fact of a physical phenomena. Someone may be an exception to the rule, but the general rule applies.
Female has more chances getting breast cancer. etc...

Maturity has a factor of age. That is my personal impression on the matter. There are others, but this is one important factor.

Anyway, a question..
Are most small to medium-small TGPs run by young people age 18-24? (Not all - most)
What do you think?
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