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Old 06-10-2003, 10:28 AM   #1
Dugmor should edit this
Bp4L - Vice Prez
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Default Cybernet Expo - Webmaster Tour Pictures !

On June 7th 2003 Webmaster from all over the world traveled to Montreal Quebec to gather for
a unique and exciting networking event that could not have been found at other tradeshow.
This was the first successful event, but not the last.

Registered Webmasters of Cybernet Expo where given a first class tour in a luxury air
conditioned coach bus. Included was also a walking tour full of information on history,
architecture, and many anecdotes revealing the secrets of Historic Montreal. An official tour
guide ( Cheese Grater ) shown webmasters and answered there questions about Montreal.
This was a unique opportunity to network with other webmasters, experience French
Quebec culture and have fun. We where proud to show you this city, we feel that this was a
unique Webmaster networking experience and would like to thank every Webmaster that

Check out the pictures and make sure to join us again on our next “ Webmaster Tour ” !
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