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Old 06-10-2003, 04:38 PM   #43
Sharpie should edit this
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Vid..... a little cooperation goes a LONG WAY.

And that pisses me off.

How can I publicize a damn party when NO ONE BOTHERS to inform me.?

Someone from Gamma sent us email on June 4th while at the show asking us to help them publisize the G-string party. They changed the date of the party the next day. We asked them to bring some flyers and we would give them out - WE did. Others chose to make them private so they can control the numbers.

We publisized everything we knew about . As for the Platinum Bucks suite they were trying to find a bigger room, and never did give us the suite number, even after numerous requests.

The National Net party was put together the day of the party - that is how Tony does things.

Everything that we knew about was posted on the site the months previous to the show and later again on the show daily that was picked up on a regular bases by most of the attendees.

The cigar party was a last minute thing done by Chris for XNations. He never ask us to help publisize it. He did it himself to his board members.

I would have loved to posted more on the stie - it would have been good for the show. I can't make people do things they are not willing to do, or publize things without their permission. I will not take the blame for private parties not being made public information. I have the idea that many think we charge for this or nail them for things like Internext. We don't or never have. We go out of our way to help them make their event a success in any way we can.

But it all takes a small degree of cooperation. We are not mind readers. I care about these things and lack of cooperation, but others have to take some responsibility to get me the information - IF they want me to have it.

As far as the cost...... in all reality, the costs to provide the venue are more without the showroom. We had to pay for the space anyway to provide the privacy. that an event like this should have. The risks for this show were very very high with the bad economy, War, SARS, and the devaluation of the American Dollar. Anyone of those things could have sunk it on it's own. But, I did not back out just because it got HARD to pull off. It was just not as good as it could and should have been. I take 100% responsibility for my goofs - but can't take responsibility for others. Too bad the trend in this industry is to make decisions at the last minute. It leads to problems like this and stresses me out to no end, because those who know me know how very much I care!
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