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Old 06-11-2003, 02:39 PM   #1
Dwreck should edit this
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Default Contentguys.com wants to give a lil somthing back! So here's your invite!

What's up Xnations this is Derek from Contentguys.com here! I just wanted to thank everyone that was at the Cybernest Show in Montreal, the Yp 2003 in Mexico, and the Toronto Webmaster Summit that either purchased new content from us, inquired, or was already an existing customer. We really appreciate your support and I'm very happy that your members are seriously digging our cutting edge content. To express our apprecation your invited to an exclusive screening of SEXTVLIVE. Me and the guys put a special girl/girl show together for webmasters only. This is our way of giving back to the community. So come and hang out and see what we're all about - don't forget to bring the lube! Lilly and Raquel are waiting for you.

user: webmaster
pass: elite

About the Girls: We want you to have a great time but please don't disrespect the models during the show, this will only encourage them to want to DO LESS and probably go home. This is a THREE HOUR girl/girl show, so chill, they can't fuck for three hours but they'll do their best or I'll bring out the fist!

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If the feed or chat doesn't load or freezes, your Java is the the
problem, upgrade it dude!
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See you on Thursday at 6 PM PST.
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Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549
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