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Old 06-12-2003, 12:31 PM   #60
Pidgin should edit this
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Well, most of the replies I saw here was not about how bad mannered was MisterX post, but about how irrelevant are the points he raised.

All I said is that there is great benefit in putting away the bad feelings and look into the points themselves raised by his comment. Failing to do so would not help improve the show for next time.
If anyone think that the show was perfect and no one is allowed to criticise things - they are acting foolish. There are always room for improvement, especially in a show where people didn't have detailed nametags (whatever the reason and wherever the blame is - even on the atendees) and where there was no party schedule (even if the blame is on the sponsors). If Internext could pull a party list and nametags for all, it means its not impossible - even if hard.
Am I blaming anyone? hell no. I only suggest that people can learn from criticism instead of taking offense.
If someone tells you your site design sucks - don't tell them "Well, fuck you - others manage". Tell him "Im sad to hear it - what do you think is the problem and do you have any ideas how it could be resolved".

Don't agree with me? That's your right.

That was 99% of my post. the other 1% was a story I told about networking and some questions which were answered by RawAlex (Thanks man)

I for one miss not being there. Next time maybe (if the points raised were implemented).
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