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Old 06-12-2003, 04:02 PM   #62
Sharpie should edit this
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OK - guys..... enough! Daniel is welcome to his opinion. I just don't know why he wanted to take it as far as passing out copies of his post at an event????

Maybe he did not understand the badge making process and that him or anyone else for that matter - didn't realize that whatever was put on the BADGE NAME line was what was going to be on the badge.? ? Maybe this is a good thing, and people will pay more attention to that information. No one deeply regrets the loss of the show room more than me - I CAN GUARANTEE THAT - but, we have always had a showroom in the past. This Industry changes on a dime, and we have to accept those changes.

I am sure that he and others took for granted, that everyone gave us information on the parties (they always have in the past) - but again this is a new 'day and age - things change. Maybe sponsors have learned also that the production people are not mind readers, and have to have this info to pass on to the attendees. I hope they have learned the importance of cooperation. Cooperation is essential for something of this size to be well organized.

I think maybe Daniel has also learned from the experience - I sure have. We have always tried new things at every show & these were gained by us listening to what attendees have to say & trying to implement their ideas where we can. Maybe, if I had not become ill on the first day - I would have been more assessible and Daniel and I might have talked about his grievances - but we have to accept the way things turned out, learn our lessons and move on.

I have .... so let's all let Daniel rest. I am sure he is not a bad person - just a disappointed one who found unorthodox ways to voice it. I am OK with it. Disappointed, but know that there are just some things beyond our control. So, let's just let it go, and consider that we all learned something here.
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