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Old 06-16-2003, 05:32 PM   #6
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
Xnations Voice of Reason
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Originally posted by XxXotic
that actually all falls down to the individual content providers acceptable use policy as outlined in their license agreement. Technically that would be a violation of most licenses but no one is going to bust balls about it if they allow their content to be posted at TGP sites.

1st step as a content provider is to contact the webmaster and say hey you dont own this content remove it, if they don't remove it (and any tgp owner would i'm sure) then the C&D/contact host/sponsor etc etc but highly doubtful it ever makes it that far.
As a content provider, I would find it hard to argue with anything that was said in this post.

WE, aren't gonna freak over an 88x88 thumbnail on anyone's site, but we WILL go after someone that is blatantly neglecting our license agreement.
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