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Old 09-24-2002, 02:15 AM   #14
barryf should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by LAJ
LOL... you guys like? That was Jay in 1992.

Btw, now that I'm on my Canadian kick again... what was the name of that tv show that was about the Jr. High school kids and the lead character wore that stupid hat? Degrassi high or something? That was the shit!!!
Hi Jay!
How was the show??? I tried to picture you there in the high tops and mullet. Scary. I am from Rush's hometown so I am legally required to be a fan.
Also you have my vote for honourary Canadian.
BTW Welcome to X-Nations!


P.S. It was Degrassi Jr. High then Degrassi High. The lead character with the stupid hat was Joey Jeremiah of course. Now they are making Degrassi The Next Generation or something

Last edited by barryf; 09-24-2002 at 02:19 AM.
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