Originally posted by XxXotic
TGP owners may run into some problems if ever investigated by the feds since 9/10 times they are hosting the thumbs on their servers which could technically require them to be able to produce documentation if asked. I'm not really 100% clear on that however, I hardly think a "disclaimer" is enough to clear them of any liabilites they may have in the off chance that some agency actually say something to a tgp owner (which i would think is highly unlikely)
Interesting point raised here.
If you are linking to something that IS legal, and the content on that link is CHANGED to something illegal without your knowledge, could you be held liable?
In any case, NO disclaimer is gonna clear them if they have a picture on their site. Hosted or hotlinked. If their defense is they are only showing face shots, and the content they're linking to is underage girls, they're up shits creeks. So technically, they WOULD have to have 2257 information posted for EVERY link on their site.
This brings up the 2257 question again. Aaron? Aaron?