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Old 06-18-2003, 10:45 PM   #9
TheTaoOfSexology should edit this
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Default My 2 cents . . .

I believe in using multiple processors. Problem is finding ones that are reliable, and trustworthy. I used to Ibill and Globill. Now I only use Globill

Ibill $)@$* me on my web900 and started charging $750. Can we say DMR?? That's old school for you newbies, I lost a pretty penny on those crooks too. CCBill I would not trust them as far as I can throw them and ACPaysystems seems disorganized. Plus all those other processors are sticking webmasters with a minimum $750.00 fee.

Globill does not have this fee. They process all cc transactions off shore avoiding the US based cc restrictions.

Surprisingly ACPaysystems tried to jump on this bandwagon and charge webmasters the $750 fee even thouh they are not subject to Visa's ruling on this matter as they are based in the UK.

I have heard horror stories about Probilling and a few others. If anyone has a referral link to a processor that is reliable trustworthy and is not charging setup fees feel free to share it with me as I have numerous sites that will generate a pretty penny/commission.
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Last edited by TheTaoOfSexology; 06-18-2003 at 10:59 PM.
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