Erica .. I'm sorry about your lost relationship .. but glad that you decided to take a stand for your happyness ..
on the legal front he has no rights to those pics, Since you haven't signed a release .. you're image is always yours till you sign it off .. hense a release form ...
My suggestion would be to share the pictures .. there isn't much he can do with them .. especially since he hasn't done anything to date ( this would be the easiest and cheapest thing to do, a verbal or written understanding of sharing the images for a one time use on his end) .. or get a lawyer and sue his ass ... the only rights he has to those pics are a monerary value ... Offer him a few bucks for his work as a photographer and then take your pics back .. other then that he is in violation of Canadian privacy laws and 2257 in the US ...
he doesn't have a leg to stand on