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Old 06-22-2003, 11:18 AM   #1
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Default What do you like the best. Partnership / pay per signup / click throughs?

I like pay per sign ups to get the quicker bucks over a short time, but then I started to rethink this and reviewed my time v money back over a longer greater period and some of our sponsors out there have really high quality sites, and this got me to think today when I was revieving my stats for my 80% partner program, very impressed with the Recurring sales. This is showing me that their sites are infact of top quality when the members are staying and continuing their memberships again and again. I think by now working very losely with the company who has these sort of sites that not only convert but have the quality we all need to keep the sufers we send to them happy.

This is what it is all about.. not to make a quick buck, but to keep our referrials happy. Remember this surfer might have been a bookmarker and they like your own site, but know that to get more of what you are able to show them each day they need to grab that membership.

To think that we can work as a team, infact the good news is that I have found a company who has the quality to keep the members for many months, and I intend to refer their sites to my bookmarkers more and more over a few sites and i know i have a done a qood job also by my sponser who is looking after my bookmarkers and the people who grab that membership to stay with their sites...

Great work does pay off!

Kind Regards

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