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Old 06-25-2003, 08:27 PM   #7
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I've noticed the trend too. I don't mind so much the clothes they wear, or how much war paint they applied that day, it's their attitudes and total lack of manners that gets me.

I was a teenage girl once too. I played the game. I rebelled like everyone else. My parents deserve honors for surviving my teen years. They were actually pretty cool. My parents tolerated a lot. One thing they would not tolerate was a lack of manners. I was raised to hold doors for people. I was raised to say "please", "thank you" and "excuse me". The only time I ever spoke back to my parents, grandparents, or authority figures, is when I had damn good reason to. My parents taught us the difference between "mouthing off", and sticking up for what is right.

Today it just seems the kids are not being taught these things. Doesn't have to be teens really. I've heard 6, 7, and 8 year olds say things to their moms that I can't believe they didn't get scolded for.

It's not true for all kids, but there definitely seems to be alot more who rule their parents instead of their parents ruling them.

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