Panky, Renaldo,
I couldn’t agree with you guys more on this one, I have nieces that are in their late teens and I find that they have a wealth of info today that we didn't have back then.
Each girl has their own styles and hangs with a specific crowd. Where I live, the majority of young girls I find have a decent dress style. You will always the few that you will do a double take, and ask yourself how they got out of the house dressed like that!
But hey, as parents, I find that we have a responsibility to try and set limits or guidelines in what they wear and what influences them. That must start at the earliest age as possible.
I have set guidelines and boundaries for my girls and so far so good. Although they are relatively young, they see what girls wear, act, say and do around them. I found that my 5yrs old has started to ask lots of questions about many things that she sees around her everyday, you try to answer and teach as best as you can.
Yes they will pick up their own styles and hang with certain crowds that I may or may not agree with. But I was thought by my parents and grandparents; if you try give them a solid close nit family upbringing, they will not only listen and respect you, but they will respect themselves as a person.
Hopefully with that in mind things turn out well…