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Old 06-27-2003, 04:36 PM   #1
monaro should edit this Edit
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Angry Needing some strong advise please

Dear All,

I am needing some very strong advise please to stop other webmasters
posting galleries to webmasters boards where its strongly points out that what is happening by the type of webmaster board it is.

spamfreexxx . com/Webmaster/posts/03-06-26/12748.shtml

Please if any advise would be great for me because when I see this sort of thing happening I feel that the content companies are not getting their full credit when it comes to honest webmsters who buy the rights for the content and when there is other lame webmasters out there going behind the back of the true adult webmaster to take something that is not theirs....

If everyone treats this business fair then it would be a happier place to work.

Thank you for your time and the few minutes to read my request.

Kind Regards

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