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Old 07-01-2003, 09:02 AM   #4
wsjb78 should edit this
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I think it's a shame how one's personal life is treated to get rid of them in the public. Let's take as an example Bill Clinton...
Whatever he did with Monica it's none of our business. It's his personal life and as long as his affair didn't mess with his political decisions and course I could care less for it!

Another example is ex-ambassador Borer. What do I care whom he's got an affair with and where? I don't care at all as long as he satisfactory complies to his duties...

It's all a shame on how peoples' personal lifes are turned to public. It's none of their business!!!
It is a shame for the reporters and news agencies that do so... it's a shame for those people who are interested in this sort of gossip and build their opinion on a person's private life instead of a person's action!
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