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Old 07-01-2003, 09:24 AM   #9
pornJester should edit this
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Political scandals have never really interested me nor celeb scandals. I'm more interested in drama focused around people like you and me. That's why I think reality TV has done so well, people like to see just what can happen with a group of relatively normal people (i use this loosely!). But I'll have to admit i do like watching the Osbournes, it's good comedy :-) Also I just saw an episode of The Greenlight Project, i think it was on Showtime, that was pretty interesting.

lol, forgot to answer the question! I think "what constitutes a scandal" can be a range of things. Some people think the president getting a bj is a scandal. I think a real scandal is something more along the lines of Watergate or Enron.

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