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Old 07-01-2003, 01:52 PM   #2
AcidMaX should edit this
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Keep in mind that some people just like to create havoc and be the center of attention. Sometimes its children and somtimes its grownups who have the mentallity of a child.

There are also different types of hackers. There are the script kiddies that just basically learn how to do DDOS attacks and cause problems like what happen on GFY.

Then there are hackers that do it for money by stealing it or getting information, these guys definitely would not out themselves and do something stupid like the recent knuckleheads are doing.

Then there are the ethical hackers that actually do thinks to be productive. Whether it is to test systems or to go after terrorist organizations.

There are many different ways to hack and it just depends on the mentallity of the hacker. Most are kids, most of the good ones you will never hear about until they get arrested. (Kevin Mitnick, Kim Schmidt(sp?))

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