Hahahahahahahaha I am extremely surprised the fish pic didnt make it up there hahahahaha
It was .... quite an evening .... hell, quite a weekend! It was great seein ya there Jeff!
I want to thank Tony, Scott, Buzz and Sweetums over at
http://www.trafficdude.com /
http://www.dialerdude.com for letting me stay with them, throwing such an awesome party and for just being really cool friends ....
And of course I got to party with my girl LaurieX!!! WoooooHoooo! We had a great time! I saw Mt. Soledad, La JOLLA, the beach and went SHOPPING!!! hehehehe Leave it to me to make laurie find a totally cool clothing store right by her house hehehe.
The down side to all if this is too many ciggies + too many cocksuckers = one hell of a sinus infection

Blech. Awww well, the price one pays for a great time!!