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Old 07-02-2003, 12:45 PM   #3
BuggyG should edit this
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I'm just wondering, how did she drive home with someone sprawled on her windsheild?? Did she ues her wipers?? I mean I am just curious as to how that could be.

But yeah.. how someone can say she panicked and drove home when that happened, is just bullshit to me. If she can drive home and ignore his cries for help for 2hrs then have a sensible enuff mind to have 2 friends try to get rid of the body. Is all bullshit claim she tried to make for the court. And for ONCE the courts actually won.

I forgot where it happened, but was just wondering if somewhere like California (if it happened in Cali, then disregard hehehe ) she used same plea. Would they give it to her? Now THAT is something else to think about.
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