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Old 07-02-2003, 02:39 PM   #1
Dean should edit this
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Default Upsells –vs- Rebills ???

In other words, what results do you prefer for your traffic?

Upsells: Typically, sending your traffic to this program will result in 100% or more of the initial sign up plus some traffic in return. The receiving program then makes their money back and more via Upsells.

Rebills: Typically, sending your traffic to this program will result in a 50/50 rev share throughout the lifetime of the subscription and little or no traffic in return, because one does not want to piss members off with popups and banners.

I believe conversions should be higher for the Rebill programs, because they typically invest more $$$ in bigger collections of exclusive content to shout about in the tour. Yet, holding conversions constant, upsell programs make webmasters more money today, while the rebills programs make webmasters more money after the 2dn or 3rd month and leveling off down the road.

It’s more than a tortoise and the hair paradigm… I think it’s flat out more money, because one webmaster’s finish line is 30 days down the road and the other’s doesn’t come into site until 6 or 7 months down the road.

Let me know what you think?

~ Dean

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