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Thread: Scare Tactics?
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Old 07-03-2003, 03:25 PM   #8
taboo_gal should edit this
Angel with a Devil's Grin
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I've only seen one segment. It was one in which a sister who had been picked on by her brother growing up decided to get back at him.

The senario is a ride with a murderer (or something like that). At the end of the ride the murderer is threatening the brother. Keep in mind these people are actors. The brother jumps the guy and practically beats the shit out of him. The driver & the sister are trying to pull him off the guy telling him its a joke. Needless to say he was pissed, but the guy who got beat up was in pretty good spirits considering.

That is all it took to decide that there are better things to watch.

How awful.....
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