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Old 09-24-2002, 11:26 PM   #13
Bruno Dickman
Bruno Dickman should edit this
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Great thread indeed!

Basically, the 3 most important factors considering reccuring programs is:

1) conversion - ok, thats the basic. 1:600 or lower or goodbye

2) retention - thats another very important thing, some people only care about conversions and then they end up making $1.95 per signup.

3) cost to get a signup - if the sponsor program offers free content, or sponsor hosted galleries or bannerless freehosting, that means the promoter spends less to make a signup, and thats good stuff!

The rest is additional stuff

What do you people think? This is a very interesting thread, post your comments and opinions!

Take care,

work hard. play hard.

MSN brunodickman at hotmail.com
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