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Old 07-07-2003, 02:23 PM   #48
eMystic should edit this
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Default Help for the Food Addicted...

If you're concerned about your sugar addition, you might consider several things:

1. You might be suffering from excessive stress, and this is your body's way of getting you to raise your insulin levels so it can produce more seratonin. Go to the healthfood store and try to find some pharmaceutical grade Tryptophan. If you can't find that, try 5-HTP (sounds like code, but it's really a supplement), but don't take it at the same time you eat protein--since you're probably pigging out on sugar, this probably won't be a real problem, right?

2. You probably waited too long to eat something, and your brain is crying out for some nutrition--it runs on glucose. Keep healthy high protein, high fiber snacks like nuts, trail mix, etc near the computer and much a little here and there.

3. You've been eating too much sugar or processed food, and now you're suffering from rebound low blood sugar. Get some Glutamine from the healthfood store and try taking that with some healthy juice. It will feed your need and help to eliminate sugar/carbohydrate cravings.

Best regards!
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